Woman Crush Wednesday | Adelaide Kane!
By Katrina Scott onStrong women rule the world, and our #WomanCrushWednesday today rules — literally! ; ) We’re seriously crushin’ on actress Adelaide Kane, who plays Mary, Queen of Scots on the CW show Reign. 👑
She’s a yogi who loves hiking and Beyoncé. Sound familiar? And she’s just as obsessed with her pets as we are. Her kitty Ranma even has his own Instagram (@ranmathecat)! Ya think he’d like @winnithepooch and @hiimskunk?! 🐶🐱
Check out our interview with Adelaide below! She gets real about her workout routine, selfie tips, and hidden talents (she can burp the alphabet like Brian!). Keep reading for more fun facts and amazing advice!
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Determined, introverted, marshmallow.
What are your go-to workouts?
Pilates, hot yoga, and hiking. Pilates gives me toning and I don't have to go more than twice a week to see results. Yoga helps calm my mind and has a great detoxing effect, and hiking is a social workout for me when I just want an excuse to go for a nice walk with my friends!
What’s on your workout playlist?
Disclosure, Beyoncé, My Chemical Romance, and some EDM tracks. Anything high energy!
We’re feeling nosy! If we peeked in your gym bag right now, what would we find?
Yoga gear, a beauty & makeup kit, sneakers, a water bottle, and some snacks. Also a lint roller because my cat sheds on EVERYTHING.
What's your favorite way to spend a Saturday morning?
Sleeping in with my cat or hiking and eating brunch with friends.
Your costumes and crowns on Reign look gorgeous, but so heavy! Is it like a workout just wearing them?! Do you get to keep anything from set?
Haha yes, some of those dresses were incredibly heavy! You get used to it though. You need to be very careful how you move and sit so you don't damage delicate fabric or beadwork. Respect for the work and artistry that went into the costumes is very important. I got to keep some earrings and a pair of shoes!
If you could meet any royal from the past or present who would it be?
Mary Stuart of course!
What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I can burp the alphabet!
Do you have a mantra or something you tell yourself when you need an extra boost of self love?
"It's going to be great!"
Your Instagram is gorgeous! What advice would you give #TIUgirls on taking the perfect selfie?
Lighting and angles are everything! Natural filtered light is best. Don't be afraid to take a few to find your good side! And don't be afraid to post pictures that aren't perfect. No one is.
Rapid-fire questions!!
Red, white, or pink wine?
What’s the last thing you treated yourself to?
A new keyboard
Do you have a hidden talent?
I can sing! ... ish
Favorite boy band?
Backstreet Boys
Favorite emoji?
Laughing cat face 😹😹😹
What’s the one beauty item you’d bring with you to a desert island?