Power Up
Prepare to ignite your strength with your Fall Challenge! Power up your strength, cardio, and stretching workouts with our four-week fall challenge! Complete 25 workouts in 30 days. We start together October 2nd.

Ignite your strength
Meet your trainers

Your TIU co-founder, Karena brings years of experience leading workouts for you ladies! Her laid-back, lighthearted personality means you’ll be smiling straight through her sessions—even as you crush strength move after strength move. You’ll also tune into her voice for guided meditations that bring you some peace of mind and make you feel good from the inside out!

Meet your newest TIU trainer, Lex! As a flexibility coach, she sneaks strength work into your stretching sessions and mindful moments into your physical practice! You’ll love her comforting and motivating style of coaching that helps you focus on the workout and finish feeling both relaxed and energized.

There’s nothing quite like the Aussie accent and hype-girl attitude of Bec! As the queen of the booty band, you can obviously expect a booty burn from her workouts, but as a certified strength coach, she cheers you on through total-body, upper-body, and core-focused work too!

Prepare for a super serene environment when you press play on Alex’s yoga sequences! The 500-hour vinyasa yoga instructor incorporates athletics, alignment cues, and a spiritual element into each of her sessions. With her positive vibes, encouraging words, and super helpful posture points, you’ll definitely end her workouts feeling like your best self!

Don’t underestimate the power—and challenge—Allegra, a certified personal trainer, brings to each workout! Her approachable, upbeat vibe makes you feel welcome, but she also makes you WORK it. Prepare to take your fitness to the next level with her workouts.
some of your new workouts