Tone It Up Meetups in your Area!!! And Your Weekly Workout Schedule! #TIUmeetup
By Tone It Up on
We hope you had a nice summer weekend! Karena and are so excited to see more and more Tone It Up meetups! It's pretty incredible. It would be too much for us to manage and schedule them ourselves, so we encourage you to create them in your area! Do you have a local fitness studio that you like? A healthy restaurant? A race coming up that you could join together? Also, a lot of you are meeting at your local Lululemon classes. They have free yoga and community classes every month.
Karena and I started ToneItUp soon after we met at the gym. We're forever grateful that we were in the right place at the right time! If any of you don't know our story... we were both new to the area; Karena was coming into the gym where I worked quite a bit and I had just moved to Manhattan Beach from Boston. I was teaching group fitness glasses and I invited her to come to class! She came to the class and we started running into each other everywhere around town! Trader Joes, the beach, coffee shops... everywhere! Now she's my best friend, the most amazing blessing in my life and my maid of honor! So as you can imagine, seeing all of you meet up with each other makes us so happy. We know how important good girlfriends are!! When we meet you girls at bootcamps and meetups we all have so much in common. We're all looking for a happy, healthy, fun lifestyle. We all have different backgrounds, stories, struggles and goals... but it brings us together and we have a common ground and that is to live positively, surrounding ourselves with supportive and inspiring women. We love all of you!!!
Karena and I want to make it easier to meetup with each other. Most of you know about your community.toneitup.com site. You can join groups in there and meet others in your area. Make sure you include your instagram name on your community profile!! You can also add what town you live in to make it easier for others to find you. We're also thinking that with your check-ins on instagram, hashtag #TIUteam AND where you're from. Ex.. #TIUsanfran or #TIUboston. Keep it simple and something people can remember TIU + city. This goes for anywhere in the world! We know there's Australia, UK and Canada groups too!
What's Tone It Up Approved? Meet at either a fitness class, yoga/spin studio, community class like lululemon or a local running group, a healthy restaurant or a race. We know it's like online dating at first arranging the time and place... but trust us, it's so worth going!!!! Karena and I are always so blown away by everyone we meet. It really is so cool :) Some of you have been making pictures on instagram with a time and local place! This is such a great idea! You can use 'repost' on Instagram to spread the word. Remember to hashtag #TIUmeetup too.
See some of the recent TIU meetups featured on our instagram @ToneItUp!
Login and go to "My Profile. You'll be able to add your city & state and include your Instagram name too. See below... To find TIU girls near you, use the new search tab. Make sure you add your location by editing your information too! You won't be able to see anything unless the location is updated in your profile. Haven't created a profile yet? Make one today, right here :)
We love all your #SummerSizzle pics on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! Make sure you keep checking in with the team and hashtag #TIUteam too ~ we're going to be picking random Check in Winners this week and gifting you with a few of our favorite things!!
This week we're challenging you to eat plenty GREENS! Tone It Up Nutrition Plan team members know how important eating Lean, Clean N' Green is and for the next few days we challenge you to eat as green as possible. Mix it up and have salads, green smoothies and of course, green juices ~ our fave! Have you made your Delicious Refresher Green Juice yet!?
Remember the key to exciting veggies is to dress them up with tasty herbs and a drizzle of a Tone It Up approved dips like your Golden Sun Dressing!
Members of the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan... keep a close watch on your inbox this week!!!! YES... #summersizzle is in FULL SWING! :)
On to your weekly workout schedule!
Monday ✓ Abs and Cardio
We're starting off this week with your Booty Shorts Routine! After you're done, finish off your BootyCall with your Sunkissed Abs from your NEW Beach Babe 2 DVD; it's one waist cinching core routine you’ll never forget, and one all your friends will want to know about too!
Tuesday ✓ Cardio & Fat Burning Day!
40 Minutes of cardio first thing in the morning!! HIIT The Beach with us! We're all going to HIIT the Beach 2 ~ together!! This workout is the most effective way to burn fat and to increase your metabolism by using High Intensity Interval Training!
HIIT the Beach 2 is 40 minutes of the most heart pumping, intense moves that you’ll love to incorporate into your weekly routine! Follow along, we're going to be getting in a HARD workout today ;)
Wednesday ✓ Legs and Abs Day!
Love Your Legs Toning Routine! Make sure to click HERE and select "save as..." to get your FULL printable ;)
After you've shown your legs some love, press play on your Beach Babe 1 DVD and complete your Bikini Abs routine!
Thursday ✓ Total Body & 30 minutes of cardio Time for your Summer Slim workout!
This routine works your entire body to make for a great BootyCall or mid-afternoon toning routine! Get your printable here, right click and select "Save As..."
Friday ✓ Fat burning & BOOTY day!Download your Printable workout by right clicking Here and clicking 'Save As...'
Finish off your evening and get ready for the weekend with your Hula Booty Routine from your NEW Beach Babe 2 DVD!
Saturday and Sunday Connect with someone new in the community!! Maybe someone in your area? ✓ Do your Jump Your Heart Out Routine at least once this weekend ;)
Stay active even on the weekends ~ go for a walk, run or bike ride with a friend!
Have your received your NEW Beach Babe DVD yet?!
Bring out your inner BEACH BABE™ ANYTIME OF YEAR with these fun new routines made to effectively tone your entire body! You'll have a workout for every day of the week... and then some. Mix and match each of these 9 workouts to increase your metabolism, sculpt lean, sexy muscle and leave you glowing with confidence. Order it HERE! If you just got your new Beach Babe 2 DVD, remember to download your progress chart for Set the Bar! Track yourself reaching your goals! Download it HERE, by right clicking and 'saving as' to prepare for your #1 results driven workout!!!