Mindful Meditation ~ Unlock Your Creativity

By Katrina Scott on

Hi beautiful! I want to take a moment this morning to recognize how far we’ve come in our mindfulness practice. When we first started the Bikini Series (can you believe it’s already week 6?!), I heard from so many of you girls that a goal was to start meditating or make it a regular part of your routine. Just by joining me here each week, you’ve been doing something incredible for you! You’re taking time to quiet your mind, bring your intention inward, and focus on gratitude and self-love. It’s truly a beautiful thing we’re doing together ✨

Today we’re focusing on releasing creative energy. This is a great meditation for anyone in any walk of life. Releasing creative energy can help you innovate new ideas or clear any blocks that may be holding you back. No matter what your role may be at work or at home, unlocking your creative side will bring you excitement, joy, and inspiration!

Let’s all share in the comments…what’s one creative pursuit you want to focus on? How are you going to tap into that creative energy? I can’t wait to read them!

Always remember this ~ you are a beautiful being and the universe deserves your creative spirit 💫

Sending you love & light,


You can also watch on YouTube & Apple TV HERE!

What’s one creative pursuit you want to focus on? Share below!

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