KETTLETONING ~ Incredible new workout video that includes kettlebells, toning & yoga!
By Katrina Scott onK E T T L E T O N I N G W I T H K A T R I N A
Today's NEW FRISKY FALL Routine will leave you feeling tight, toned and unstoppable!
Thanks to all of your requests... this is the perfect combination of everything you all wanted ~ a follow along, kettlebell workout with a beautiful blend of toning and yoga moves to inspire you to move your body. And yes ma'am, you can use a dumbbell if you don't have a kettlebell :)
Get ready for an intense 35 minute, head-to-toe sculpting routine that will leave you radiating with a post-workout glow! I designed this kettlebell routine to target every angle of your core, sculpt your inner & outer thighs and lift that BOOTY! YUP... I pretty much can't do a workout video without making you girls get your booty burnin' ;)
Are you subscribed to the Tone It Up YouTube Channel? We're going to be doing something really cool soon with quick tips and more lifestyle vlogs. Be the first to see when we upload them and subscribe to our channel HERE ------> YouTube.com/ToneItUpcom <---- Our most recent upload was behind the scenes of this workout :) See it here and thanks for subscribing!
New to using Kettlebells? Start with 10-15 lb and work your way up from there. If you don’t have a Kettlebell, use a 10-15 lb dumbbell instead. See my other beginner routines HERE.
*** This routine is completely follow-along and does not include a printable ~ there are so many moves, it would be over 20 pages long! ;) Complete it in your living room or find an empty fitness room at your gym and ask a girlfriend to join you!
Check in after you complete your workout and let us know how much you love it! Use the hashtag #TIUteam
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