Extreme Abs ~ The Hardest Ab Workout We've Ever Filmed!
By Katrina Scott on
What’s the secret to an incredible ab workout? Is it the moves? The mentality? The sweat? We went straight to your Tone It Up trainers Chyna and Stef, two mega babes who know a thing or two about sculpting a strong, gorgeous core. And today they’re showing you exactly that in your brand NEW Extreme Abs workout in your Tone It Up App! Chyna and Stef will be the first to tell you that this was one of THE hardest ab workouts they’ve ever filmed. And nope, you won’t find a single crunch in this Summer Tone Up routine. So why is it so good?! Here your TIU trainers dish on how the workout came about, why those “six-pack” muscles aren’t everything, and which moves burned a little too good. Don't forget to checkin after you crush the workout and tell us how you did! #SummerToneUp
Behind the Burn: Q&A With Chyna & Stef

What was the inspiration behind Extreme Abs?
Chyna: My inspiration behind the workout was figuring out how I can truly make the most out of 30 minutes. It's funny to say, but I have been asked so many times about how I got my abs — so we created this workout to show you! This has been my favorite and most efficient way to shape my abdominals. A little HIIT with focus on core the entire time.How did you design the workout to be most effective?
Chyna: I think switching up between high intensity and moves that lower your heart rate is really important. We really created this workout to shock your body! A lot of new moves and so many opportunities to really dig deep and challenge yourself!What’s one thing people often forget (or maybe don’t know) about training your abs?
Stef: There’s a lot more to your abs than a six-pack! When we aim to strengthen and tone our abs, we focus on three main sections: the rectus abdominus (upper abs), the obliques (side body), and the transverse abdominus, which wraps around from front to the side of your body to stabilize the core muscles. We can target each section of our abs by switching positions or angles and by creating a mind-to-muscle connection. When we’re able to visualize ourselves firing the proper muscle group, we achieve an even deeper burn! Chyna: People often forget that you can get some of your best ab workouts without lying on your back once! Plyometrics will spike your heart rate to burn serious calories, while activating your fast-twitch muscle fibers to improve strength. With moves like burpees, tuck jumps, and high knees your upper and lower-body muscles are working in tandem to help your deepest core muscles fire over time.

What is your favorite exercise from the workout?
Chyna: I know you might think I would say burpees, but the bear crawl was actually my favorite move of this workout! It's such a great way to really target those lower abs!And the most challenging move?
Chyna: Tuck Jumps! Those never get any easier! Stef: For me, it’s the bear crawl! No questions asked! Every inch moved forward and backward sets my abs on fire!Why are high knees so effective at toning the lower abs?
Stef: High knees the perfect lower ab cardio burnout. By driving the knees a little bit higher with each rep, your lower abs have to resist gravity to lift the weight of your hip flexors and lower legs up, up, up!

We’ll be seeing this ab workout again in Week 6 of the series. What’s a great goal to set for next time?
Stef: Next time you tackle this workout, focus on improved form and your breath. With each rep, exhale on the effort (contraction). For example, when you sit up in a crunch while simultaneously exhaling, you’re able to target an even deeper layer of muscle. The same breath work applies to a standing knee-to-elbow or plank mountain climber; exhale as you contract! Chyna: This workout is challenging the first time you do it and it will be challenging the 10th time you do it! The workout doesn't get easier — but you get stronger. The key will bet to focus on your lane and simply push yourself a little more the second time through! That is what matters to me. If you have done that, it is a win in my book!