6 Hip Band Exercises to Transform Your Booty
By Tone It Up onIs there anything better than a burns-so-good booty workout? We didn’t think so! And one tool really comes in handy when we’re looking to do just that: the hip band! This looped band adds extra resistance to every exercise ~ like squats, kickbacks, and bridges ~ which ignites your glutes, hips, and thighs to build powerhouse strength Plus, your new hip bands are portable so you can take them with you anywhere, anytime!
Grab your new hips bands right here — they come in a set of two, so you can customize the resistance just for you! Then make sure to check out Kat’s newest program, Tone It Up 6:40, in your TIU app! It’s all about starting your day off with a little love for YOU and your body! Plus, Kat takes you through all new workouts featuring the hip band! Check out these 6 hip band exercises to get you started today. It’s time to transform that cute booty!
Quick Hip Band Booty Workout
6:40 style workouts look a little something like this: 6 exercises, 40 seconds each, resting 20 seconds in between. Repeat the circuit 3 times and you’re on your way to crush your day!
1. Hip Band Squat + Pulse
Start standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, hip band around the thighs, just above the knees. Lower down into a squat by sending the hips down and back, driving the knees out against the band. At the bottom, raise up an inch, then lower back down an inch for the pulse. Then, drive through the feet to stand up. Repeat!
2. Hip Band Shuffle
Start standing with feet hip-width apart, band around your thighs. Lower down into a shallow squat position, sending the hips back. Staying low, step your left foot to the left, keeping feet parallel. Then, step your right foot back to hip-width. Repeat for another step to the left. Then, go in the other direction, stepping out with the right foot and in with the left. Continue alternating every two steps.
3. Hip Band Squat + Abduction
Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, band around the thighs. Lower down into a squat by sending the hips down and back, driving the knees out against the band. Then, drive through the feet to stand up. Next, shift weight to the left foot and lift the right leg straight out to the side, knee straight and foot flexed. Step foot back down to hip-width apart. Repeat the squat, then perform the leg lift on the left side. Continue alternating, with a squat between each leg lift.
4. Hip Band Fire Hydrant
Start on all fours, hip band around your thighs. Keeping shoulders over wrists and without shifting weight to the side, lift your right knee up and out to the side. Then lower back down to the floor. Repeat for 20 seconds, then switch sides.
5. Hip Band Kickback
Start on all fours, hip band around the thighs, above the knees. Lower left forearm to the ground and raise right foot off the floor. Then, drive your right leg straight back behind you and slightly up toward the ceiling, straightening the knee as you go. Return your knee toward the floor. Repeat for 20 seconds, then switch sides.
6. Hip Band Bridge Dip + Abduction
Start lying on your back, knees bent and feet planted on the floor hip-width apart, band around your thighs. Place hands down by sides. Drive through your feet and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the floor. Then, at the top, externally rotate hips and press knees against the band for an abduction. Bring knees back to hip-width and lower hips back to the floor. Repeat!
Grab your own hip band RIGHT HERE! Ready to put these moves into full workout action? Sign up for Kat’s 6:40 program today in your TIU app!
Felissia Dawson
Dec 20 22I really enjoyed this I am trying to get my body back and this is my start!!