4 Fun Moves For Gorgeous Dancer Abs

By Katrina Scott on

Hey gorgeous! You ready for a dance party?! 👯 That’s what we have for you today today in your Tone It Up app! We’ve got such an exciting workout where you’ll dance it out while strengthening your core. Your amazing trainer Tori will lead you through a full sequence that gets your heart rate up, takes just a little coordination, and most of all, torches those abs! You will have a blast, so make sure you check out your Tone It Up app for the full routine! And don’t worry, you don’t have to have ANY dance experience to do these exercises and follow the sequences. Tori breaks it down step by step, so you can easily pick it up. You know Kat and I aren't dancers, so if we can do it, anyone can haha!  The mini routine below will get you started sculpting dance-inspired abs. These are some of our fave moves from the workout! Remember to show us your best moves on Insta using #TIUteam and #TIUapp! xxo,  K&K

4 Dance-Inspired Ab Moves

You don’t always need crunches and planks to get a core burn! Do these four moves below for three rounds to light up your abs from every angle. Don’t be afraid to add your own flare and just have fun with it! 

Chest Circles

Torches your core! Begin standing with feet about hip-width apart and hands on the hips, spine neutral. Push the chest forward like there’s a string pulling it front as you slightly arch your back. Then, push the chest to the right side. Next, pull the belly in toward the spine, slightly rounding the back. Finish by pushing the chest to the left side. Continue moving in a fluid circle, contracting your core the entire time. Make sure your hips stay steady.  Do for 30 seconds, then switch directions. 

Hip Circles

Works your core, especially the obliques! Begin standing with feet about hip-width apart and hands on the hips, spine neutral. Push the hips forward like there’s a string pulling your pelvis front as you slightly round your back. Then, push the hips to the right side. Next, push the hips back, slightly arching the back. Finish by pushing the hips to the left side. Continue moving in a fluid circle, contracting your core the entire time. Make sure your upper body stays steady.  Do for 30 seconds, then switch directions. 

Jump Twist

Targets your midsection and sculpts your obliques! Begin standing with feet together. Bring arms up to shoulder height, bending the elbows so your fists are at your collarbone. Lightly jump up as you twist your hips to the right and land with bent knees. Immediately hop back up, twisting your hips to the left and landing with bent knees. Continue alternating.  Do for 30 seconds. 

Grapevine with Knee Tap

Works your legs, arms, and of course, your core! Begin standing. Step out to the right with your right foot. Then step your left foot behind your right. Next, step you right foot out a little wider than hip-width. Tap your left toe out to the side. That’s your grapevine — feel free to add some bounce to it! Then, pull your left knee in and twist your torso to tap your right elbow to your knee. Do two knee-to-elbow twists. Then do the grapevine to the left and twists to the right. Continue alternating.  Do for 30 seconds.  The Tone It Up App will help you achieve your fitness and workout goals. Strengthen and tone your butt, abs, back, legs and total body.

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