4 Reasons to Work Your Posterior Chain (aka Your Back & Booty)
By Katrina Scott onEver heard your trainer mention the posterior chain and had no idea what she was talking about? Well, we’re breaking down the term so you can start workin’ it to your advantage!
The posterior chain refers to the entire back of your body, from your calves, hamstrings, and glutes, to your back muscles — including your lats, traps, and spinal erectors (the small muscles that line your spine).
And you bet we make a point of working that powerful posterior chain in your Tone It Up app workouts. Why? Strengthening the back of your body counteracts poor posture, helps prevents injury, and powers your daily activities, to name a few. We checked in with Tone It Up trainer Yami for a few of her top reasons to target your posterior chain, plus her favorite exercises to get started!
1. You improve your overall alignment.
2. You can sidestep injuries.
3. You activate the glutes, which fuels your daily movement.
4. You can avoid back pain.
“If your hamstrings and glutes are weak and can’t perform the way they need to, guess what is going to take over?” Yami asks. The answer: your lower back. This can cause those muscles in the low back to tighten up and cause discomfort. Keep those hammies and glutes strong, though, and you have a better chance of avoiding any aches.
Strengthening the spinal erectors (those small muscles that line the spine) can help you hold a more upright position, counteracting a hunched-over-your-computer posture. Doing this will make you feel taller, straighter, and just better all around!
The Best Exercises to Target the Posterior Chain
Ready to get to work on the back of your body? Yami recommends doing more of these exercises 2-3 times per week:
- Deadlifts
- Weighted Glute Bridges
- Good Mornings
- Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
- Bulgarian Split Squats
- Lunges
- Bird Dogs
- Superwomans
And of course, for amazing workouts that feature each these moves, check out the Booty and Upper Body/Back workouts in your Tone It Up app! We’ve got plenty of options for you, girl!