By Katrina Scott onYour first BIKINI SERIES workout is HERE!
Get ready to feel like a beautiful, toned mermaid with this incredible TOTAL body workout! We designed your Mermaid Routine to target all the areas you want to tone up for summer, including your abs, obliques, thighs & arms. Oh YES!!
What you need for your Mermaid Routine: a kettlebell (or 10-15 lb dumbell), a yoga mat, and some water!
This is one body sizzling, heart pumpin’ routine! You’re going to fall in LOVE with this workout…
Download your on-the-go printable HERE! Just right click & select "Save Link As..."
How amazing do you feel after this toning routine!? Let us know on Instagram, Twitter & on Facebook with the hashtags #BIKINISERIES & #TIUMermaid!