Cue the confetti and pop the champagne because your Summer Tone Up winners are here!
We are SO proud of you for showing up, crushing your workouts, and encouraging your #TIUteam throughout this Series. Your stories of resilience and dedication inspired us and the love and encouragement shown within the #TIUcommunity brought smiles to our faces. We are incredibly honored and grateful to be your trainers.
We are absolutely in awe of the thousands of sweaty selfie #studiotoneitup checkin pics you shared each & every day! We see your courage in your transformation photos and want you to know how much we admire the confidence you've shown yourself & those around you throughout these 8 weeks.
Every one of you should be proud of all you have accomplished and deserve some love for being the strong, beautiful woman you are today. We are beyond excited for you girls!
And a quick reminder of what the winners will receive:
Grand Prize Winner Prize
The prize package includes:
– An iPad Pro with a stand
– $1000 gift card from Outdoor Voices
-$200 gift card from Revolve
– Tone It Up Mat + more TIU workout equipment
– 1-year supply of Tone It Up Protein products to fuel your fitness
– A Zoom meetup and Virtual Photoshoot with K&K!!! We’re SO excited for this!
Runner Up Prizes
– a special package of our favorite Tone It Up goodies & apparel, including a $100 gift card from Outdoor Voices
10 MORE GIRLS will receive a Tone It Up Protein package!!!
So, without further ado, drumroll are your Summer Tone Up winners!!!!
Grand Prize
Sunny @sunny_stays_fit
“I have gained strength and stamina, and my clothes are starting to fit better!
I completed almost every app workout. I increased my jump squats from 31 to 43. Beyond the physical changes, being a stay at home working new mom is mentally just as challenging. Finding that 15-30 of ‘me’ time has been crucial to my mental health. I have loved connecting with all of you, especially all the new moms and soon to be moms!”
Madison @maddyjadetiu
“This community has been one of THE BEST things for me. My mental health/stress levels are WAY better now than it was at the beginning of this series, thanks to all the girls that I have been able to connect with! I feel physically stronger, of course. I feel much stronger and happier mentally and am so thankful for my relationships with you girls❤️🥰”
Ashley @ashleynichole_tiu
“I knew that the #summertoneup series was the best TIU series that I’ve been in to date. I worked toward staying consistent with my workouts, keeping my nutrition 80/20, mediations, and keeping up with my water intake. My biggest win was branching out and meeting new TIU sisters. Y’all made this the best series for me. So much encouragement, motivation, and celebrations happened the entire 8 weeks! Especially after week 4, when some events happened and I was ready to crawl up in a ball and cry. When I didn’t have the most cheerful check ins and stopped working out, you ladies came through, encouraged, and loved on me even more!! That was when I knew I was in the best community. ❤️ I’ve made so many new friends that I can’t wait to meet IRL! (Yes, y’all are stuck with me now 😋🤗)”
Runner Ups
“The Summer Tone Up became my therapy because whether I was working out, recovering, or doing a meditation in the app📱, running 🏃🏻♀️, meal prepping 👩🏻🍳, or taking an IG live class with you girls 👯♀️, that was my time to reset, recharge, & just focus on the present... no distractions from social media or the news, no texts, no thinking about everything that needed to get done. And when that time was finished, I felt like I was heading back into the world with a clearer headspace... being able to process & handle situations better, coming back with a fresh perspective or solution I didn’t think about before because I was too caught up in thinking & doing, when all I really needed was a moment to just not do any of that. TIU is just so much more than fitness & the physical aspect. It’s embracing fitness as a tool for self-care to enhance your overall health...physical, mental, & emotional. It’s about how you feel & empowering ourselves because when we empower ourselves, we empower each other. It’s about feeling self-love, feeling proud, feeling accomplished, feeling strong, feeling that you’re never doing this alone...& all these things have never felt truer to me thanks to the Summer Tone Up, the best & most caring trainers, the TIUhq, & this incredible #TIUteam.”
Most Supportive
Julia @gaingang_tiu
“Before the #summertoneup I was not doing good. Still reeling from my father's death I fluctuated from eating nothing to eating everything. Then with the shutdown I lost my access to a gym, was unmotivated to go running and spent most of my day teaching from a seated position which was awful. The Summer Tone Up definitely helped my body look shredded and banging again. That summer nutrition plan was the BEST y'all. I ate the most delicious meals every day - I think we ordered out once the whole entire series it was that good! Anywho, the best part was this community.”
Community Chef
Betzy @betzycaroline
“It’s truly amazing how creating simple habits like eating more greens and moving your body at least 30 mins a day can make such a huge impact! I have @toneitup to thank because without the guidance and support of the #tiucommunity I would not be able to get this far. Throughout this journey I gained back my confidence and started to feel and look better than I have ever felt before! Seeing this Photo is just a good reminder that change can exist! And if I was able to do this, YOU CAN too! 💪🏼”
Hype Girl
Jennifer @jennsheaaz
“Yay, we did it Babes! 🎉 It was Your motivating posts, words of inspiration, love & dancing that truly got me through. 🤗 So grateful for you All! Since we have all committed to this lifestyle, we can hold on to this never being over, but a challenge where we rose up, came together, and crushed workouts together and we'll keep crushing it together!! 💪🏾 This challenge was enlightening, loving, the most fun and I just love this Community!!! ❤️”
Boss Babe
Kristin @mamateach.kristin.tiu
“What I saw was a woman who didn’t give up. I crushed my workouts, fueled my body with amazing nutrition (plus drinks & treats because yolo), hydrated like a boss and connected with so many incredible women!”Most importantly though is the reconnection and awakening I experienced within myself.✨ Trying to be a stay at home mom to two littles + remote elementary school teacher + grad student while my hubby worked overtime was just too much. I was in a pit of despair as you may say. So completely exhausted. So defeated. So lonely. When the Summer Tone Up started I was ready to be my best. I just don’t think I realized that I’d actually get there! As the weeks went on my friendships grew along with my confidence. I felt a safeness within this community to be unapologetically me... the whimsical, creative, expressive, energetic, carefree and strong woman I was made to be! I feel like I’ve stepped back into my spirit and it’s refreshingly joyful!”
Fierce Frontline Female
Rashell @tiu_nurserashell
“Completing the Summer Tone Up has a whole new meaning for me this year. Thriving and not just surviving!💗My goals were related to mental health, new nurse life, being a new night shifter, COVID, and the struggles of quarantine. Just managing the overwhelm that I feel piled up on a regular basis. 👩🏻⚕️I still have my ups and downs but not have gotten this far without this community! I’ve also never done so much meditation and yoga along with my workouts and healthy eating ever! I am overall much happier. 🧘🏻♀️One bonus on top of my growing inner strength was my outer strength as well! My shoulders don’t fit into my old business attire....Good thing I was meant to wear scrubs to work! 🏥”
Most Motivating Mama

Stephanie @busytiumom
“But during this very uncertain time I am certain that the #toneitup lifestyle is what I need to feel healthy and proud in my own skin. I CAN consistently workout from home. I CAN cook healthy meals from the #tiunutritionplan. I CAN rise above my excuses and empty motivation tank with encouragement from the #tiucommunity and @karenadawn and @katrinascott . I CAN show up for myself and my family. I CAN lean into who I am and what I can do with this one life I am given, not what I think I should do to please others. I CAN focus on what I get to do daily to strengthen my body and my mind. That little flip focusing on what I CAN do has transformed my perspective and mental health these last few months.”
TIU Savage
Michelle @momchelle_tiu
“I am so thankful for this community of strong women who love, support, encourage and empower each other to keep pressing forward and to only look back to see how far we have come. I have loved all the new connections that I have made during the past 8 weeks and am looking forward to making many with each of you. I hope that as we move forward we remember “why” we are each on this journey.”
Miss Congeniality
Neysa & Nikki @neysa_nikki_tiutogether
“I am so thankful that my sister @nikcunanan and I got to have so much fun and laughter🥰with each workout. The difference between tone it up and other programs is you feel like you are working out with your girlfriends and the workouts are quick but challenging for a busy working mom of 3💕.”
Jill & Jon TIU Girl: @jillp_fit and Husband: @jon_falcon602
“This cutie wants to support me and follow the meal plan and workouts even without me being home! He took it upon himself to plan and prep his meals for the week, and I wrote out all of the workouts just like I would if I were going to be home. His support is unmatched.”
Cat Mom
Becky @beckyi520
“This #summertoneup left me more motivated and dedicated to get back into a better fitness routine for my health! It wasn’t easy with the drive, crazy call shifts and COVID-19, but I feel wonderful and so proud of myself! And of course my cats have enjoyed being my workout partners.”
Dog Mom
Catalina @selflove.cata
“It gave me time to reconnect with my body and to enjoy every single workout at my own pace. I was surprised by how connected to the #TIUTeam I felt during that time just by really being present during each workout. Mental #tiucheckins were👌. Of course, I couldn’t have done it without the best workout partner a girl could ever ask for - my beautiful girl 🐶.”
TIU Student
Amy @tiutough
“My nursing program was canceled for the semester and I had to restart the whole semester this fall. I had no way of processing my grief - all the hours of studying, attending lecture, and clinical felt like a waste and the negativity just weighed on me. In addition, I got my heart broken, lost a member of my nursing cohort, and started a 9 unit load of summer classes during the series. The #summertoneup allowed me to positively channel my disappointment and sorrow while still allowing me to keep moving forward 💖 ...And the best part of the summer tone up was getting involved with the community. This was all new territory, but it became a necessity to facilitate my drive and ambition to keep up. The encouragement and love in the #TIUcommunity is unparalleled. I am so happy to have found a sense of belonging.”
Military Hero
Lauren @laurenm_tiu
“This year was different. I definitely have quarantine to thank. Work became slow and it was like okay, what do I do with my time now? I started out doing the lives. When the Summer Tone Up came around, I made the promise to myself that I was going to finish the FULL challenge. I decided to actually use my tiu IG account time check in and make connections. This was more than just a challenge to tone was also mind, body and spirit for me too. The girl on the left was in the habit of pizza/takeout food several times a week and beer almost every night. Fast forward to the girl on the right: I am now confident, have muscle tone and strength I never had before, daily meditation has become a part of my routine, I love my body, I love working out, I am eating healthy. I have no more stomach problem, my skin is glowing, this list goes on! I discovered @toneitup from toned up on bravo. My husband was in the military at the time and we just relocated.. #tiumilitary you know the feeling! During that time, @katrinascott @karenadawn + the community helped me overcome sadness. Anytime I posted a check in, I knew a TIU girl would comment to cheer me on..and that meant the world to me! Here I am now. 28 years old. I started doing all of the live workouts that began during quarantine. I’m fueling my body with the right foods. I am FULLY committed. I feel so confident and am getting stronger everyday. I LOVE seeing everyone’s check ins. I try my best to comment on as many posts as I can because if someone is going through what I did or a hard time..I know how much a simple comment can make everything better. Just know you’re not alone!”
Bride to Be
Kristine @tiu_kstine
“"I can't believe it! We did it! We finished the Summer Tone Up Series! Thank you to my beautiful friend @tiu__rocky for introducing me to Tone It Up and this wonderful community of supportive ladies. This was a challenge for sure with plenty of mornings/afternoons where I dragged my feet to get up and work out, but I'm glad I wasn't alone. I had all of you ladies and your encouraging words and posts. It was such a pleasure! AND woohoo for consistently improving in our JUMP SQUATS!”
Most Inspiring Transformation
Krista @krittajean
“I can’t help but smile looking through my before and after pictures because it shows just how hard I’ve worked over these past 8 weeks! 17 pounds GONE! The #summertoneup has literally been my saving grace over these past few months. I really took this time being home to focus on myself when so much of my time is mom-mode. My family has been amazingly supportive- with my husband making sure I have a free chunk of time every day to work out, and my kids often times working out with me, watching me, and cheering me on! (They even created me a “tone it up” video- see my page🤣) We’ve practiced meditation together throughout these 8 weeks. We’ve done plank challenges with each other. They have pushed me more than they realize to continue doing this, and I’m so happy for that ❤️.”