5 Kettlebell Moves For A Super Strong Core
By Katrina Scott on
5 Kettlebell Exercises to Torch Your Core
Swing, press, side bend — you’ll do it all in today’s Tone It Up app workout! Here’s a look at the ab toning kettlebell moves. Do each one for 3 rounds to really maximize the benefits!
Kettlebell Tic Toc
Begin standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands overhead. Bend at the waist slightly to the right, keeping shoulders and hips squared forward. Then stand back up straight. Bend at the waist slightly to the left, keeping shoulders and hips squared forward. Then stand back up straight. Continue alternating. Form tip! Make sure your core is tight and your shoulders don’t roll forward. It doesn’t have to be a big movement, so feel free to keep it small and use those obliques! Go for 30 seconds.
Kettlebell Wood Chop
Start standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands. Bring the kettlebell to your left hip as you send your hips down and back into a shallow squat position. Drive through your feet and pivot onto your left toe as you rotate your hips to the right. At the same time, press the weight across your body and overhead on a diagonal, biceps by your ears. Bring the weight back down to your left hip as you hit another shallow squat and repeat. Form tip! Make sure to rotate through the hips, not your lower back. Also, take a big exhale as you press the weight up to engage your abs and stand tall. Go for 30 seconds on each side.
Kettlebell Reverse Lunge + Twist
Begin standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with bold hands at your chest. Step your left foot back into a reverse lunge, both knees bending 90 degrees and back knee hovering slightly off the floor. Hold the lunge while you rotate your upper body toward the right. Then, rotate forward again and stand back up. Repeat, stepping your right foot back and rotating toward the left. Continue alternating. Form tip! Keep your chest tall and spine straight, rotating through your torso (not that lower back!) to each side. Go for 30 seconds.
Kettlebell Boat + Alternating Press
Begin sitting, knees bent and feet planted on the floor, holding a kettlebell with both hands at your chest. Lean back slightly to engage your core. Rotate to the left, pressing the kettlebell overhead, biceps by ears. Then, return to center. Repeat, this time rotating to the right, still pressing the kettlebell overhead. Continue alternating. Form tip! Don’t let your shoulders round or low back arch — think tall posture with chest proud. Go for 30 seconds.