Kat's Total Body Toning Detox Workout!
By Katrina Scott onHAPPY 2018!!!
We're only a day into the 5 Day Detox and we're already feeling lighter and leaner! It's incredible how quickly clean foods and toning workouts can affect your body. Each day you're going to feel more strength and mental clarity...and by the end of this week you will be SO ready to take on 2018!💪
For today's workout I'm bringing you beach side! This total body routine will sculpt every inch of your body and raise your heart rate. During a detox it's so important to focus on flushing out the toxins in your body, so that means sweating it out and replenishing with TONS of water 💦
You'll need a set of dumbbells and your Booty Bands and you're set! This routine can be done anywhere. I did it on the boardwalk during a lunch break at the HQ! You're going to feel so refreshed, renewed, and amazing after!
You can also watch on YouTube & Apple TV HERE!
Download your printer-friendly version HERE!

Get the most out of your Detox by crushing your workouts! Join us in Studio Tone It Up to work out alongside thousands of babes and receive so much strength and encouragement from the TIU team! Download your app HERE!