How Donating My Hair Was the Most Liberating Feeling + 4 Fave Hairstyles
By Katrina Scott onHi beautiful! I wanted to share something special with you today. I’m a big believer in change…it fuels us, challenges us, and drives us to reach our dreams. A few months ago, I made a pretty big change and let something go…10 inches of it! 💇🏻
I’ve had long hair halfway down my back since I was a little girl. I never knew anything else. As a believer in taking chances and radical change, I was ready to cut off what “was” and try something new!
I decided to donate my hair to Locks of Love, which provides hairpieces to children in need who have a long term medical diagnosis. It’s always important to me to give back and Locks of Love is such a great cause. My new do had a big impact on me, and I wanted to share the experience with someone else who needed what I no longer did. So I waited until my hair was long enough to chop off the required 10 inches, have my new bob, and donate.
I went to see my amazing hairstylist and friend Nicole at Harper Salon (@nicohair). She tied my hair back in a ponytail and as soon as the scissors took the first chop, I loved it!! I ran my fingers through my new short hair and instantly felt a sense of freedom come over me.
Since I cut my hair, I’ve had so many girls ask me for advice about making a big beauty change. My biggest piece of advice: Do what you’re feeling! If you want a change and a little adventure…GO FOR IT! You can always grow it back. I’m looking forward to more little snips, styles, and colors as I grow mine back out…if I do! ; )
Today, I’m sharing four of my go-to hairstyles with my new bob! My new hair is so easy to style ~ I pretty much shaved 30 minutes a day off my getting ready routine! That’s 30 extra minutes for my Booty Call, me time, or time with loved ones.
These styles are perfect for a workout, a day at the office, or a night out with Bobby or friends. And they all take just 5 - 15 minutes to do…so easy! Our hairstylist and girlfriend Ashley (@ashleyckucich) helped me style these and I asked her to share her best tips for getting the look!
Try them out and show us your beautiful dos on Insta @ToneItUp!
Wavy & Crimpy
My deep wave crimper is my favorite hair tool! It’s inexpensive and instantly adds texture. To do this at home, divide your hair into small horizontal sections. Pin each section up. Spray each section with a lightweight hairspray. Starting with the bottom sections, use the crimper to add texture. After crimping, spray a texturizing spray all over your hair while lifting and separating out the hair with your fingers. Our K&K Sea Salt Texture Spray smells like tropical paradise!
Straight & Sleek
I love this look for a day at the office or a date night! Divide your hair into small horizontal sections. Straighten each section with a flat iron and add a slight bend inward at the bottom of your hair. Use a bone non-plastic comb (it doesn’t melt!) to rake the hair down in front of the flat iron to make sure your hair is evenly straightened.
Half Topknot
This one is so simple and fast on busy days! Start by using a flat iron to make beachy waves. (Check out our tutorial HERE!) Go backward and forward with each curl, alternating to make sure your hair looks really natural. Pull the top part of your hair into a ponytail. Comb the ponytail slightly and wrap it around in a bun, leaving a few pieces out. Secure it with bobby pins!
Half Braid
Start by putting your hair half up and half down. Rubber band the bottom section so it stays out of your way while braiding. Section the top into two sides. Rubber band or clip off the opposite side to stay out of your way. Braid one side of your hair and secure with a small rubber band. Unclip the other side and braid it. Rubber band both sides together. Take the bottom section out of the rubber band. Your hair will be out of your face all day!
What are your go-to hairstyles? Anyone else thinking of making a big hair change?
And always remember that beauty comes from your heart and spirit. You’re gorgeous inside & out!