Grab Your Kettlebell and HIIT It
By Katrina Scott on
3 Kettlebell HIIT Moves
Grab your kettlebell and let’s start ringing in the sculpting and strengthening results! Do each move below for three rounds, making sure you give it your all through each work interval! Take deep breaths between moves to let your heart rate come back down and prepare for more action. Now let’s HIIT it!
Wood Chop
Sculpts your legs, abs, and arms! Begin standing with feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell with both hands at the bottom of the handle. Lower into a half squat, sending your hips down and back, and bring the kettlebell to the outside of your right hip. Make sure your chest stays up and back flat. Rotate to the left as you press the bell up, extending the arms and reaching them out just slightly in front of your face. Make sure to pivot on your right foot and use the power of your lower body to push the weight overhead. Lower back down into your half squat, bringing the bell back to your hip. Repeat. Go for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Row + Plyo Lunge
Works your back, arms, and legs! Begin standing, holding a kettlebell in your right hand at the top of the handle, arm extended down by your side. Step your right foot back and lower down into a lunge, both knees bending 90 degrees. Lean forward slightly at the waist. Row your elbow back until your wrist reaches your ribcage. Then, straighten your arm back out. Next, push off your front heel to explode up for a plyo lunge, landing with your right foot forward and knees bent back to 90 degrees. Perform one more plyo lunge to return your right foot to the back. Continue alternating one row and two plyo lunges. Go for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Plank Pull Through
Tones your core and arms! Begin in a plank position, shoulders over wrists, forming a straight line from shoulders to heels. Place the kettlebell flat on the mat, behind your left wrist with handle facing your hand. Keeping your hips as steady as possible, grab the kettlebell with your right hand and drag it to the right side of the mat. Place your right hand back down. Then grab the kettlebell with your left hand to drag it back to the left. Continue alternating. Go for 30 seconds.