Feelin’ Sore? 5 Foam Rolling Moves to Try Now

By Katrina Scott on
Stef Foam Rolling Moves Hey gorgeous! First off, congrats on rockin’ your workouts last week! I know for many of you — myself included — that was your first full week doing a program in your new Tone It Up app! You have no idea how much you #14DaySlay girls kept me accountable every single day, even on vacay! And #TIUStrength babes, you’ve been crushing it too — Kat and I are so inspired by you!  If you’re feeling extra sore right about now, that’s totally normal. It’s what you do from here that counts! Delayed onset muscle soreness, aka DOMS, means your muscles are in repair mode and need a lil’ extra love. That’s where your trusty foam roller comes in! If foam rolling is new to you, it’s a form of self-myofascial release, which is just a fancy term for massaging and loosening up the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles and organs. This tissue can get super tight when we sit for long periods of time — or when we go hard in our TIU app The good news: Foam rolling has been shown to help ease muscle soreness and because it keeps the tissues in your legs, back, booty, and beyond from getting stiff. It can also boost your mobility, range of motion, and flexibility. Ready to roll?! Here are 5 ahh-mazing foam rolling moves from Studio Tone It Up trainer Stef. And for full-length stretching and foam rolling routines, check out the On Demand section of  your Tone It Up app! Remember, you deserve allll the self-care!  xxo, Karena

5 Foam Rolling Moves to Try Now

Do each move below for 30 seconds, moving nice and slow — don’t rush it! (Really, the slower the better!) Feel free to pause on parts that feel extra tight for a little more relief. You can do these moves as part of your warm-up, cool-down, or as a way to sidestep next-day soreness.  Foam Rolling Moves - Calf Roll Stef

Calf Roll

Begin seated, legs extended. Place the foam roller horizontally under your calves (the lower part of the legs), just below the knee. With legs straight, cross one leg over the other and place arms behind you for support. Lift your hips off the floor and slowly roll from below your knee to just above your ankle. Think about moving two inches down and one inch up so you slow it down. Do 30 seconds, then switch sides.  Foam Rolling Moves - Glute Roll Stef

Glute Roll

Sit on top of the foam roller with it placed horizontally just below your tailbone. Place one ankle over the opposite knee in a figure-4 position, hands behind you for support. Slowly roll back and forth over the glute of the lifted leg. You can lean slightly toward the lifted leg for added intensity. Do 30 seconds, then switch sides.  Foam Rolling Moves - Quad Roll Stef

Quad Roll

Begin lying on your stomach, legs extended. Place the foam roller horizontally under your quads (the upper part of the leg), just below the hips. Place your forearms on the ground in front of you, like a forearm plank. Slowly roll from just below your hip to just above your knee, going two inches down and one inch up. You can also shift slightly to either side to get more of the muscle group. Do 30 seconds.  Foam Rolling Moves - Lats Roll Stef

Lat Roll

Begin lying on your side, legs extended. Place the foam roller horizontally under your upper body, just below your armpit. Place your bottom arm behind your head and rest the top hand on the floor in front of you for support. Roll slowly from below your armpit to just below your ribcage, aiming for two inches down and one inch up as you work your way down. Do 30 seconds, then switch sides.  Foam Rolling Moves - Upper Back Roll Stef

Upper Back Roll

Begin lying on your back, knees bent and feet planted. Place the foam roller horizontally under your upper back, just below the shoulder blades. Place your hands behind your head and lift your hips off the ground. Slowly roll back and forth from just below your shoulder blades to the tops of your shoulders. Do 30 seconds. 

Try some of our fave quick HIIT and strength routines in the Tone It Up app! You'll break a sweat and see serious results fast!

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