Why Consistency Is Key & 4 Tips To Make It Happen

By Tone It Up on

The key to achieving your goals — whether you’re looking to build endurance, get in more workouts per week, increase on your weights or rep counts, eat clean, cut down on sugar, or practice mindfulness — is consistency. 

Consistency is so important because it’s how you build routine. When you stick to a new practice for 21 days, it becomes a habit and soon it will feel second nature. As you practice your healthy habits consistently, you’ll also build confidence and feel empowered, which makes you even more likely to keep getting after your goals! 

Remember, your wellness journey isn’t a race — we’re here to steadily create a sustainable healthy lifestyle you can stick to long-term. 

Here are four ways you can create more consistency in your routine.

Start small and build your goals

Set your goals one week at a time and think about what you can stick to. For example, start with something like: I’ll wake up 30 minutes earlier and do a TIU app workout twice this week. Once you crush that goal, up it to 3 workouts the following week. Then, add on until you’re moving your body daily.

If you don’t have time for a full workout every day, that’s OK! Your workout doesn’t always need to be a 45-minute HIIT or weight training session. Squeeze in a quick sweat sesh from the Express On Demand channel or go for a walk with your coffee. It’s most important that you get in some movement daily to keep up your momentum!


Track your progress

We love to keep a journal to track our workouts, water intake, meals, and how we’re feeling overall. This will hold you accountable as you track, and you can go back and reflect on your progress to see how far you’ve come!


Lean on your accountability partners

It’s easier (and more fun) to show up for yourself consistently when you’re also showing up for others. Share your goals with your friends, family, and the #TIUteam and make plans for how you can support each other. Schedule LIVE workouts together, start a group text chain to check in when you’ve finished your workouts, and plan dates to meal prep together. 


Treat yourself

Take time to reward yourself when you’ve consistently crushed a goal! Treat yourself to a cute workout outfit, a mani-pedi, a bubble bath, a new book, a Sunday Funday with your girlfriends — whatever feels fun, motivating, and rewarding to you.

Whatever your goals are, we're here to help you achieve them in your TIU app! Join us in the app for hundreds of fun and challenging workouts, easy recipes and nutrition advice, and community support!

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