Keep Your Knees Happy With These Easy Modifications!
By Katrina Scott on
Karena and I have seen some questions about how to protect your knees during certain moves in your Daily Workout. Today, we're sharing all the deets you need to know! It's all about that form, babe. Performing moves properly will help prevent injuries AND get you a better burn. You'll see a reoccurring theme to keep your knees directly over your ankles and behind your toes. Make this a habit and you'll be golden, girl! If these moves still aren't working for you, don't worry! We've also included modifications that will be easy on the joints, while still sculpting your gorgeous bod! ;)

Deep Squat
FORM TWEAKS: While lowering down into a deep squat, make sure that your knees don't go past your toes and keep them in line with your ankles. When your knees are closer together and not directly above your ankle joint, this can cause stress to the tendons in your knees.
MODIFICATION: If sitting back in a deep squat is still too hard on your joints, try sitting back as far as you can before it starts to become uncomfortable, then lift back up. You'll still get those tush-lifting perks! ;)

Jump Squats / Switch Jumps
FORM TWEAKS: Perform each jump slowly, instead of trying to fit in more reps quickly. When jumping, make sure to land softly on the front part of your foot first, then your heels. Landing flat on your feet can cause shock waves to go up your legs and stress your knees. And don't forget to keep your knees directly over your ankles!
MODIFICATION: If jumping is still too much, modify by performing squats or lunges. This is still plenty to get your booty some toning action!

FORM TWEAKS: Same rules apply! Whenever you're bending at the knee, watch for those cues: knee directly over ankle and behind your toes. Forward lunges require extra attention to balance. Make sure to engage your core to help stabilize yourself and land softly on your foot.
MODIFICATION: Try stationary lunges. Instead of stepping forward into a lunge, begin in a lunge position then straighten your front leg for 1 rep. This takes some of the balance out of the move so you can first focus on form and gaining strength.