Start your day the beach babe way with your Bombshell Spell!
It's part of your
Tone It Up Nutrition Plan!
What are the benefits of your Bombshell Spell?
There's science behind it babes! This spell casts a babelicious effect first thing in the morning. It increases your metabolism, provides digestive enzymes, energizes you & tastes refreshing! ♥
We're happy you all have fallen in love with it~

Love this check in from JTonesItUp on twitter! She made them for the week :)
We love seeing all your Bombshell Check-ins!
Tell us your mantra for your Booty Call!! Remember to
always start your day with positive thoughts and to focus on your intentions.
Not on the
Tone It Up Nutrition Plan? Join the team today!
https://tiu-assets.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.comBoost your Metabolism! Bombshell Spell - - - Start your day the beach babe way with your Bombshell Spell!https://tiu-assets.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com