3 New Metabolism-Boosting Booty Band Moves
By Katrina Scott on
3 New Moves For A Strong, Sculpted Booty
For each of the moves below, make sure you have your Booty Band by your side. Do each exercise for 3 rounds and take breaks as you need them. If you need a low-impact modification, simply step through each of these moves! But push yourself girl! You're stronger than you know!
Squat Jacks
Targets your booty, legs, and core, and revs your heart rate! Place the Booty Band around your calves, between the ankles and knees. With feet starting hip-width apart, lower into a squat by pushing your hips down and back. Keeping chest tall and core engaged, jump up, bringing your feet together. Then jump feet wide again, lowering back down into a squat. Repeat. Do for 45 seconds.Â
Glute Bridge Pulse
Targets your booty and core! Place the Booty Band above your knees and lie down on your back, knees bent and feet planted about hip-width apart. Make sure your heels are close to your butt, almost enough for you to touch them. Lift your hips up toward the ceiling and hold. Keep your back flat and core engaged. Pulse the knees out to the sides, pressing against the band. Do for 45 seconds.Â
Plank Jacks
Sculpts your booty, shoulders, and core, and boosts your metabolism! Place the Booty Band above your knees and get into a plank position, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders right over the wrists, and feet together. You should form a straight line from shoulders to heels. Keeping your upper body steady, jump your feet out to the sides. Then immediately jump them back together. Repeat. Do for 45 seconds.Â