Grand Prize Alert!
We’ve partnered with Sandals Resorts, Luxury Included® Vacation to bring you the Ultimate Summer Vacation! A summer challenge isn't complete without a grand prize and Ready, Set, Sculpt is no exception. At the end of the 30 day challenge we will pick one winner to receive an amazing trip to celebrate your accomplishments, and 2 winners to receive a $500 TIU gift card to stock up on your favorite goodies and equipment.
We’re so proud of you!! xxo

“This community has been one of THE BEST things for me. My mental health/stress levels are WAY better now than it was at the beginning of this series, thanks to all the girls that I have been able to connect with! I feel physically stronger, of course. I feel much stronger and happier mentally and am so thankful for my relationships with you girls❤️ 🥰”

“I knew that the #summertoneup series was the best TIU series that I’ve been in to date. I worked toward staying consistent with my workouts, keeping my nutrition 80/20, mediations, and keeping up with my water intake. My biggest win was branching out and meeting new TIU sisters. Y’all made this the best series for me. So much encouragement, motivation, and celebrations happened the entire 8 weeks! Especially after week 4, when some events happened and I was ready to crawl up in a ball and cry. When I didn’t have the most cheerful check ins and stopped working out, you ladies came through, encouraged, and loved on me even more!! That was when I knew I was in the best community. ❤️ I’ve made so many new friends that I can’t wait to meet IRL! (Yes, y’all are stuck with me now 😋🤗)”

“Completing the Summer Tone Up has a whole new meaning for me this year. Thriving and not just surviving!💗My goals were related to mental health, new nurse life, being a new night shifter, COVID, and the struggles of quarantine. Just managing the overwhelm that I feel piled up on a regular basis. 👩🏻⚕️I still have my ups and downs but not have gotten this far without this community! I’ve also never done so much meditation and yoga along with my workouts and healthy eating ever! I am overall much happier. 🧘🏻♀️One bonus on top of my growing inner strength was my outer strength as well! My shoulders don’t fit into my old business attire....Good thing I was meant to wear scrubs to work! 🏥”

“My nursing program was canceled for the semester and I had to restart the whole semester this fall. I had no way of processing my grief - all the hours of studying, attending lecture, and clinical felt like a waste and the negativity just weighed on me. In addition, I got my heart broken, lost a member of my nursing cohort, and started a 9 unit load of summer classes during the series. The #summertoneup allowed me to positively channel my disappointment and sorrow while still allowing me to keep moving forward 💖 ...And the best part of the summer tone up was getting involved with the community. This was all new territory, but it became a necessity to facilitate my drive and ambition to keep up. The encouragement and love in the #TIUcommunity is unparalleled. I am so happy to have found a sense of belonging.”

“What I saw was a woman who didn’t give up. I crushed my workouts, fueled my body with amazing nutrition (plus drinks & treats because yolo), hydrated like a boss and connected with so many incredible women!”Most importantly though is the reconnection and awakening I experienced within myself.✨ Trying to be a stay at home mom to two littles + remote elementary school teacher + grad student while my hubby worked overtime was just too much. I was in a pit of despair as you may say. So completely exhausted. So defeated. So lonely. When the Summer Tone Up started I was ready to be my best. I just don’t think I realized that I’d actually get there! As the weeks went on my friendships grew along with my confidence. I felt a safeness within this community to be unapologetically me... the whimsical, creative, expressive, energetic, carefree and strong woman I was made to be! I feel like I’ve stepped back into my spirit and it’s refreshingly joyful!”

“I can’t help but smile looking through my before and after pictures because it shows just how hard I’ve worked over these past 8 weeks! 17 pounds GONE! The #summertoneup has literally been my saving grace over these past few months. I really took this time being home to focus on myself when so much of my time is mom-mode. My family has been amazingly supportive- with my husband making sure I have a free chunk of time every day to work out, and my kids often times working out with me, watching me, and cheering me on! (They even created me a “tone it up” video- see my page🤣) We’ve practiced meditation together throughout these 8 weeks. We’ve done plank challenges with each other. They have pushed me more than they realize to continue doing this, and I’m so happy for that ❤️.”
“This community has been one of THE BEST things for me. My mental health/stress levels are WAY better now than it was at the beginning of this series, thanks to all the girls that I have been able to connect with! I feel physically stronger, of course. I feel much stronger and happier mentally and am so thankful for my relationships with you girls❤️ 🥰”
“I knew that the #summertoneup series was the best TIU series that I’ve been in to date. I worked toward staying consistent with my workouts, keeping my nutrition 80/20, mediations, and keeping up with my water intake. My biggest win was branching out and meeting new TIU sisters. Y’all made this the best series for me. So much encouragement, motivation, and celebrations happened the entire 8 weeks! Especially after week 4, when some events happened and I was ready to crawl up in a ball and cry. When I didn’t have the most cheerful check ins and stopped working out, you ladies came through, encouraged, and loved on me even more!! That was when I knew I was in the best community. ❤️ I’ve made so many new friends that I can’t wait to meet IRL! (Yes, y’all are stuck with me now 😋🤗)”
“Completing the Summer Tone Up has a whole new meaning for me this year. Thriving and not just surviving!💗My goals were related to mental health, new nurse life, being a new night shifter, COVID, and the struggles of quarantine. Just managing the overwhelm that I feel piled up on a regular basis. 👩🏻⚕️I still have my ups and downs but not have gotten this far without this community! I’ve also never done so much meditation and yoga along with my workouts and healthy eating ever! I am overall much happier. 🧘🏻♀️One bonus on top of my growing inner strength was my outer strength as well! My shoulders don’t fit into my old business attire....Good thing I was meant to wear scrubs to work! 🏥”
“My nursing program was canceled for the semester and I had to restart the whole semester this fall. I had no way of processing my grief - all the hours of studying, attending lecture, and clinical felt like a waste and the negativity just weighed on me. In addition, I got my heart broken, lost a member of my nursing cohort, and started a 9 unit load of summer classes during the series. The #summertoneup allowed me to positively channel my disappointment and sorrow while still allowing me to keep moving forward 💖 ...And the best part of the summer tone up was getting involved with the community. This was all new territory, but it became a necessity to facilitate my drive and ambition to keep up. The encouragement and love in the #TIUcommunity is unparalleled. I am so happy to have found a sense of belonging.”
“What I saw was a woman who didn’t give up. I crushed my workouts, fueled my body with amazing nutrition (plus drinks & treats because yolo), hydrated like a boss and connected with so many incredible women!”Most importantly though is the reconnection and awakening I experienced within myself.✨ Trying to be a stay at home mom to two littles + remote elementary school teacher + grad student while my hubby worked overtime was just too much. I was in a pit of despair as you may say. So completely exhausted. So defeated. So lonely. When the Summer Tone Up started I was ready to be my best. I just don’t think I realized that I’d actually get there! As the weeks went on my friendships grew along with my confidence. I felt a safeness within this community to be unapologetically me... the whimsical, creative, expressive, energetic, carefree and strong woman I was made to be! I feel like I’ve stepped back into my spirit and it’s refreshingly joyful!”
“I can’t help but smile looking through my before and after pictures because it shows just how hard I’ve worked over these past 8 weeks! 17 pounds GONE! The #summertoneup has literally been my saving grace over these past few months. I really took this time being home to focus on myself when so much of my time is mom-mode. My family has been amazingly supportive- with my husband making sure I have a free chunk of time every day to work out, and my kids often times working out with me, watching me, and cheering me on! (They even created me a “tone it up” video- see my page🤣) We’ve practiced meditation together throughout these 8 weeks. We’ve done plank challenges with each other. They have pushed me more than they realize to continue doing this, and I’m so happy for that ❤️.”