How To Stay Healthy At Restaurants, Parties, and Get-Togethers!
We want you to enjoy life and all the celebrations and special events that come with it! There's no need to deprive yourself at a party or when you're out to dinner with your girlfriends! It's all about moderation and making smart choices for your beautiful bod. Check out our go-tips for making healthy choices at every night out!
Pick your treats!
From bread, chips, wine, cocktails and dessert, there’s never a shortage of indulgent options to choose from. Forgoing all the goodies isn’t necessary, but being mindful is a must. Think about what you really want and then fully enjoy a little bit of it. The key here is avoiding having bread, drinks, and dessert.
Wait, no dessert?
As if! It’s totally A-okay to indulge in something you really want once in a while. After all, that’s why you work so hard! That being said, if you find yourself with tons of opportunities to have dessert over the span of a few days, pick one night to share dessert with a friend. Or go with a side of seasonal berries to satisfy sweet cravings after dinner.
Start with greens
Whether you’re at a BBQ or restaurant, beginning meals with veggies is a stellar habit! This ensures your bod gets some beautifying greens and also takes the edge off your appetite. Load up on crudités at a party or order a starter salad at a restaurant. Having a salad in front of you is also fab if everyone is enjoying fried appetizers and bread.
Oh and you know to get the dressing on the side, right? We like to ask for olive oil and balsamic for a simpler way to jazz up greens.
Swap the starches
This is a good rule of thumb at any restaurant or get-together. Skip the pasta, potatoes and white rice options if you can. If you’re dining out, simply ask for veggies or greens instead… don’t be shy! Your metabolism and summer abs will thank you!
Split dishes
We all know portions at restaurants can be more than your gorgeous bod needs, so even when ordering healthier options, split your meal with a friend. If there’s no one to split with, you can ask for a to-go box at the beginning of your meal, too.