Hey babe! As we were celebrating Miss Karena's birthday, I was thinking to myself how grateful I feel every day to have her in my life. She is such a positive light, she inspires me with her fearlessness, and she can alwayssss make me laugh. Our lives would never be the same if I didn't say hi at the gym that Friday night 🤗✨

I remember that time in my life so well. I had just moved here from the East Coast, I was working as a trainer at Equinox, and all my girlfriends were back home. I kept asking Brian for opinions on my outfits and he was like...babe, you need a girlfriend! Meeting Karena changed my life in so many ways! I took a chance and one small compliment sparked an everlasting friendship that became the foundation of Tone It Up.

We know that meeting new girlfriends can seem a little intimidating, especially when you're new in town or starting a new chapter in your life. We want you to know that there are so many people out there waiting and wanting to connect with YOU! 💖 Today we are sharing our tips for finding your tribe. Following this advice led me to Karena so you know it's special ✨

 Give compliments!

Spreading love & kindness is priceless and it can make someone's entire day! Everyone around you is going through their own journey and you never know when someone might need a lil' extra love. If you like a girl's hair, outfit, or admire her flexibility 😉don't be afraid to tell her! It could be the start of something amazing! 

 Ask her out!

Everything is more fun with a girlfriend by your side! 👯‍ If you're new in town, new to a job, or just looking to meet some more people ~ ask a girl you've run into a couple of times to join for some coffee, on a hike, for a workout class, or even hit the kitchen meal prepping together! Active dates are the easiest way to keep things fun! Karena and I went to a yoga class on our first girl date...she had no idea it was my first yoga class EVER 😂

 Join something! 

One of the best ways to meet someone is to join a group focused on something that interests you. It could be anything ~ a dance studio, a book club, cooking classes, a sports league, a painting class! Chances are you will meet someone great there because you immediately have something to connect about! A bunch of the girls at the HQ are joining a volleyball league coming up this spring!!


Making new girlfriends and connections is what Tone It Up is all about! Use your local groups to meet new girls (#TIUyourcitystate), comment on a girl's Instagram and chat in the Studio too! The Tone It Up App is basically Tinder for Fitness Girls 👯‍📲

 Be confident! 

Most likely, the girls around you are feeling the same way ~ we all want to connect and find a community where we are part of something. So take a chance and connect with someone new today on the #TIUteam 💛

Karena and I couldn't be more grateful to have you in our lives! You mean the world to us. 

