Feelin' Stressed? We Got You Boo!
Hey babe! Can you believe it's already April?! 🌸 Psssttt...you know what that means! Your BIKINI SERIES is almost here!! As we gear up for the 8-week challenge, we want to make sure you're feeling strong and ready. This time of year can get a lil' crazy, so we're here to keep you motivated and positive!
Stress is normal. It's inevitable and it happens to all of us. It's how we handle it that makes the difference! 💫 Stress happens when plans change or obstacles arise, whether it's skipping your morning workout, getting off your routine, or missing a deadline. As women who are always hustlin', we all share these challenges!
When Karena and I are feeling stressed, we turn to our families and each other. We've learned how to center ourselves, turn stress into fuel, and stay motivated and productive. Today we're sharing a few of our best tips!
Check in with yourself!
Take a couple minutes before you start your day to pause and breathe. Reflect on how you're feeling. If you have any negative thoughts, let them go. Release anything that doesn't serve you. Then think about what your plan is for today and focus on checking off those boxes! You don't need to get everything done all at once -- prioritize and focus on one thing at a time. You can do it girl.
Make your workouts a priority!
Working out first thing in the morning always sets a positive and energetic tone for your day! Create a plan the night before and set your alarm, this will help you stay committed to a great start in the morning. How about signing up for a morning Studio Tone It Up class to hold you accountable?! 💪 If the morning isn't your thing, pick another time in the day and stick to it. The feel-good endorphins released from a workout help your stress levels and make you feel happier 😊 Whether it's a quick walk, or a class in the Studio ~ get movin' and you'll feel that stress wash away! Daily Moves anyone?
Meditation can be anything that helps your mind go to a calm place. Something like a walk without your phone, painting, music, or something to quiet your mind. We all know what works for us, just make it a priority to show yourself some love 💛 I love Karena's Guided Meditations on ToneItUp.com and the app! See them HERE!
Adaptogens anyone?!
There's been so much buzz about these powerful superfoods! Adaptogens are herbs, roots, and mushrooms that help you adapt to stressful situations (that's where they get their name). Check out this post HERE and see how you can incorporate them into your life to feel like a Zen goddess!
Get outside!
Spending time outside is proven to help you de-stress and feel more relaxed! Try not to let your mind wander and just enjoy some silence and time to yourself. The best way to stay present in the moment is to appreciate all the beauty around you. ✨ We love taking walks in the middle of the workday to find some extra inspo!
You know the saying ~ laughter is the best medicine? It's true! It's the most simple medicine! Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which give you all those happy vibes! Grab your girls and watch your favorite rom-com...sometimes we all just need something to take our mind off things and laugh with the girls. Recently we all met up on a Friday after work to watch the latest 50 Shades - we had an absolute blast and we all needed it after a long week. 🍿💛🎬
Reach out to your fam & friends!
If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember it's okay to lean on those around you. Having a support system is so important and your loved ones will always want to be there for you! Ask to get together just to decompress-- picnics are sooo underrated :)
Whatever is stressin' you out or whatever you're feeling, we want you to remember you are a total boss babe that can handle anything and everything. You inspire us every single day.
Love you so much girl!